[members] Fw: Helping with the WCLM...

Mark Velky dmc.lotus at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 25 14:18:01 CDT 2013

CLNW Member
    Passing it along.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Douglas Jackson <douglasejackson at hotmail.com>
To: ELCC Members <elcc_org at googlegroups.com> 
Cc: Mark Velky (ELCC/Club Lotus Northwest) <dmc.lotus at yahoo.com>; Ron Solomon (LCCBC) <rsolo at telus.net> 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 11:15 AM
Subject: Helping with the WCLM...

Hello ELCC members and others:

I'm not sure if I've done this before (even though I've been thinking of doing it!), but I definitely need to thank all of the ELCC members who stepped forward and helped in advance of, during and even as little bit after the recent West Coast Lotus Meet... I couldn't have organized and run such a complex and fun multi-day event without a lot of help from a bunch of you.


For those of you who don't know it, Mark Velky (who not only is a member of our club, but who is also the President of Portland, Oregon-based Club Lotus NW) organized a really fun Pre-WCLM activity down in Beaverton, part of which was a "hosted" pu pus and cocktail party at Lotus of Portland and then a dinner get together at a Shilo Inn very nearby where several people from "down south" (California & Arizona) stayed the night.

Also, ELCC-member Chris Curtin organized a Pre-WCLM "Track Day" at Pacific Raceway which was lead by Don Kitch and his ProFormance Racing School Team.

The night before the WCLM officially started, several of our members and even a few of their wives (plus other people from other states who had arrived at the Red Lion Hotel in Bellevue early!) helped stuff the "Goody/Swag Bags" to have them ready for registration the next afternoon... those people were; Jeff Stair, Corky Russell, Mark Gleason, Chuck deKeyser, John Scheidt. Roger Croshaw. etc...

During the basic WCLM, a bunch of the same people plus others helped out in lots of different ways, including ELCC-member Patrick Maruska (who didn't have time to attend any of the other WCLM activities) lead a really nice "Long Drive" from the Flying Heritage Collection in Everett over the Cascade Mountains and back to the Snoqualmie Casino where ELCC-member Tim Barker (who is Vice President of "Gaming" there) had set up a really fun parking garage roof-top parking situation (with cigars, beer & brandy) in advance of all of us going inside to enjoy a great buffet dinner. Also several other ELCC-members, including Mike Maxwell helped out during the autocross at Bellevue College that day.

On Saturday (while we were at the Vintage Races at Pacific Raceways in Kent and the LeMay Car Museum in Tacoma) several of the same people helped out with parking (for the "Car Corral" at the Vintage Races and a casual Car Show at LeMay), including Alan Perry, Corky, Mark Gleason as well as ELCC-member Robert Vets (who didn't have time to attend any of the other activities!) who helped out at Pacific Raceways, and ELCC-members Scott McGill and John Scheidt who both volunteer at LeMay and were our official docents for the evening.

Toby Peterson (of DeLorean Mortor Company NW) and ELCC-member Randall Fehr (of Randall Fehr Restorations) both hosted special (optional) "Open Houses" at their respective businesses during the WCLM... and apparently they were both well attended.
ELCC-member Chris Curtin encouraged and Ron Solomon and Mike Boyle both of the Lotus Car Club of British Columbia put together a really fun Post-WCLM "Drive In The Country" which was also pretty well attended by their members as well as several WCLM participants.

So yeah... the WCLM is over now, but it was a lot of work and a lot of fun.

Thanks to everybody who helped!

Doug Jackson

PS: If I've forgotten to mention any ELCC members by name who helped with this event (and I know I have!), I'm sorry about that, but it sure doesn't mean that I didn't appreciate your efforts.  
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