[members] Quick laps around PIR

Neil Bradley nb at synthcom.com
Fri Sep 20 22:34:50 CDT 2013

>     Jerry, Thanks!!
>     Jon, You made it to Road and Track, your a Legend!!!
>     Jim, Ricardo or Jon, Can you plug this into the Club website somewhere
> if it's OK with Jon. Thanks!

Hey, not sure if it matters much, but I have the following videos of every 
session of the Lotus events on video:

* 9/2/2011 - Intermediate sessions (all day)
* 5/25/2012 - Advanced sessions 1-4
* 8/31/2012 - Advanced sessions 1-2, 4-6, intermediate session 4
* 8/31/2012 - Intermediate sessions 1-6
* 8/30/2013 - Advanced sessions 1-6

And plenty of side-of-the-track video as well. I think I might've even 
caught 'ol splotchy on camera once or twice! Anyone interested in the 
videos? Obvously someone will need to cut them down a bit, but it's a good 
bit of Lotus day archival history!


C. Neil Bradley - Excessive process falsely elevates the incapable and ties
                   the hands of the exceptional.

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