[members] Fw: [ELCC] The Vancouver, B.C. ABFM...

Mark Velky dmc.lotus at yahoo.com
Thu May 8 01:57:10 CDT 2014

Fellow CLNW Members

    Passing it along.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Douglas Jackson <douglasejackson at hotmail.com>
To: ELCC Members <elcc_org at googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 11:17 AM
Subject: [ELCC] The Vancouver, B.C. ABFM...

Hello everybody:

As a few of you might already realize, it's less than two weeks until the Vancouver, B.C. All British Field Meet, which is scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 17th.

In addition to the wonderful British car (and a few motorcycles) show which occurs on Saturday, there's always a fun dinner (and sometimes a silent auction) the night before at the "Host Hotel" and remember, our friends who are members of the local Lotus Car Club of British Columbia (LCCBC) have invited any of our ELCC members who attend or take part in the Vancouver ABFM to come to an after-car-show dinner at a really nice, casual (and fairly nearby) golf course restaurant. Just introduce yourself to Ron Solomon or any of the other members of the LCCBC during the ABFM and they'll help lead you to the dinner location.

I would assume that this close to the Vancouver ABFM all of the rooms in the "Host Hotel" have already been reserved, but there are plenty of other hotels and motels in Vancouver, B.C. to choose from either in the downtown Vancouver area or out closer to the beautiful Van Dusen Botanical Gardens on Oak Street which is the venue for the ABFM.

To find out more information about the Vancouver ABFM, just "Google" Vancouver, BC All British Field Meet (or something like this) and up should pop the web site of the event.

And don't forget that you need a passport or an Enhanced Driver's to travel across the border between the USA and Canada.

Doug Jackson

PS: Unfortunately I won't be able to attend this really fun event this year seeing as how I'll be at my grand daughter's 4th birthday party.
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