[members] Fw: [ELCC] A West Coast Lotus Meet for 2013...

Mark Velky dmc.lotus at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 11 14:03:39 CDT 2012

CLNW Member
    Passing it along as a heads up.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Douglas Jackson <douglasejackson at hotmail.com>
To: ELCC Members <elcc_org at googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:17 AM
Subject: [ELCC] A West Coast Lotus Meet for 2013...

Hello everybody:

I just thought that you all might like to know that I'd heard from one of the people who run the Golden Gate Lotus Club (GGLC, San Francisco area) a couple of months ago and he asked me if our club was/is interested in acting as the host of the West Coast Lotus Meet next year (2013)!?!!

As some of you already know (having attended previous events), the West Coast Lotus Meet is a fun-filled, multi-day event that normally happens in early summer and is made up of several activities, usually including: a track day event; maybe a tour of the countryside; a car show; a banquet and awards dinner; etc.

Of course, there are a bunch of things here in the Pacific Northwest that just might attract a pretty large number of people (and their Lotus cars) to make the trip here, things like: Pacific Raceways; the newly-opened Ridge Motorsports Park; the LeMay Auto Museum; Boeing's Museum of Flight; Paul
 Allen's WWII airplane collection up at Paine Field; maybe even the only retail outlet of Griot's Garage in Tacoma; etc...

What you might not realize, is that this sort of an event takes quite a bit of organization and planning and we'd need to find probably at least six or eight people in our club who'd like to be on one or more committees (venue scheduling; lodging organization; "Track Day Volunteer" Manager; etc.), so, if you are interested, I'd really like to hear from you ASAP because the GGLC people would like to kind of get started with the beginnings of some planning.

I think this could be a lot of fun! Maybe a lot of work, but definitely a lot of fun!!!

I'd like our club to do this, but obviously I'd need a lot of help to pull it off.

Please get in touch with me at   douglasejackson at hotmail.com

Doug Jackson

PS: The GGLC has said that
 they'd finance the entire event (track fees, venue rentals, insurance, etc.) if necessary, but I think, if we hosted a event like this, we ought to sponsor at least a part of it.

PPS: I may reach out to Club Lotus NW (CLNW, in Oregon) and the Lotus Car Club of British Columbia (LCCBC, up in Vancouver, Canada) to see if they'd be interested in attending and/or helping us run this event in some way.  
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